
Quand je dors...

Meow and nosey-nosey!
I have been rather rambunctious the last couple of days. Mom says I have been very bad. I admit that biting her face while she was trying to take a nap was probably not the nicest thing to do and that the curtains have several more pulls in them. ::tiny purr of glee:: Mom bought a new toy yesterday for me to play with and chew on, so I have been much nicer to her today as I now have my feathered fish toy to take my aggression out on. I even calmed down enough to snuggle with her this morning!
Speaking of snuggling, I love to snuggle up to Mom when I'm sleepy. I curl up on the pillow next to her head and fall asleep or stretch out on her chest and tummy.  That leads me to the topic of sleep. Mom laughs at me a lot when I sleep. She says I  don't sleep like a normal cat. So I like to stretch out when I sleep? So what? I am putting up photos Mom has taken of me sleeping so you can vote on whether or not I sleep like a normal cat.

See? I sleep normally, right?! Silly Mom...
::yawn:: Wow, all this talk about naps has made me quite tired! I think I will go curl up and rest a while.
Meow and nosey-nosey!


  1. Silly Abelard, you do NOT sleep like a normal Cat! But it is ok you are cute!

  2. Make more posts!!
