
My Favourite Things

Meow and nosey-nosey!
I'm a little ADD according to Mom (whatever that means), so this is actually a continuation from my first post. I wanted to write a little more about what I like to do! Aside form playing with my toys and sitting in the window, I also like several other things. One of my favourite things is climbing! I love to climb up Mom's bed or green rocker chair and pounce on my toys on the floor! At night, when I am confined to the closet (her reasoning for this is because she likes sleep and doesn't want me playing chase-the-tail on her head at night), I climb up into Mom's shoe box and other things.
Speaking of shoes, I'm particularly fond of chewing on Mom's tennis shoes. Actually, I like chewing on pretty much anything, really. My grown-cat teeth are coming in and it feels good to gnaw on things. I chew on shoes, pencils, power cords (Mom has to hide them!), blankets, furniture, and books! Mom gets mad about some of those things... she was pretty upset when I chewed on her favourite leather purse (but it felt soooo good!).
Another thing I love to do is play games in Mom's bed. I like to climb up the bed underneath the comforter and scamper around. Sometimes I chase my tail. Other times, I just run around and play with Mom's feet. This is my favourite game! Mom isn't very fond of it when she is trying to study.
Oh! A crow outside! Gotta go watch it!
Meow and nosey-nosey!

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